Monday, October 08, 2007

Kucinich Speaks to Oregon AFL-CIO Delegates on Trade, WTO

Last night, our delegates heard from the first of two U.S. Presidential candidates who are visiting our Convention in Seaside -- U.S. Rep. Dennis Kucinich. He spoke to our delegates and guests on trade, health insurance and much more. We were pleased to have the Oregonian in attendance, and saw this story this morning:

Kucinich, a congressman from Ohio, may trail better-known candidates in raising money, but he wowed the crowd of about 200 at the opening party at the Best Western Oceanview Resort.

They hooted and cheered several times during his 40-minute speech, especially when he hit hard on repealing the North American Free Trade Agreement and getting the United States out of the World Trade Organization, both moves popular with labor.

And they loved that he made fun of other presidential candidates for refusing to stand up to health insurance companies, which he says are driving health care into the ground.

"Somebody's running for president of the United States and they're saying they can't take on the insurance companies? Let me tell you, I'm ready for that," he said. "If you can't take on the insurance companies, who else can't you take on?"

Read the rest at the Oregonian's web site -- and stay tuned for complete audio of his speech.

A disclaimer here -- the Oregon AFL-CIO has not endorsed a candidate for President, and all major candidates of both parties were invited to attend.

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